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전류센서 값 평균값 질문입니다,
kcy951 | 2017-07-12
int Relaypin4 = 7; const int analogIn = A1; float mVperAmp = 66; // use 100 for 20A Module and 66 for 30A Module int Count = 0; double ACSoffset = 2500.0; double Voltage = 0, Voltage_re = 0; double mAmps = 0, mAmps_re = 0, mA = 0; double Factor = 48.8; // count = 1024/Vcc *(Vcc/2 + 0.1*i)
Count = analogRead(analogIn);
mA = Factor * (Count - 512); Serial.print(Count); Serial.print("\t / mV = "); // shows the voltage measured Serial.print(Voltage,2); // the '2' after voltage allows you to display 2 digits after decimal point
Serial.print(mAmps,2); // the '2' after voltage allows you to display 2 digits after decimal point
Serial.println(mA,2); // the '2' after voltage allows you to display 2 digits after decimal point
while(1){ }
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이전글 | 아두이노 질문 | 2017-07-11 |
다음글 | 오렌지BLE 블루투스 버젼 확인 방법 | 2017-07-12 |