
오픈소스하드웨어 프로젝트에 대한 다양한 정보를 나누는 공간입니다.

microwave motion sensor
gkgk | 2018-08-02

#include <MsTimer2.h>           //Timer interrupt function library
int pbIn = 0;                    // Define interrupt 0 that is digital pin 2
int ledOut = 13;                 // Define the indicator LED pin digital pin 13
int number=0;                    //Interrupt times
volatile int state = LOW;         // Defines the indicator LED state, the default is not bright
void setup()
     pinMode(ledOut, OUTPUT);// 
     attachInterrupt(pbIn, stateChange, FALLING); // Set the interrupt function, interrupt pin is digital pin D2, interrupt service function is stateChange (), when the D2 power change from high to low , the trigger interrupt.
     MsTimer2::set(1000, Handle); // Set the timer interrupt function, running once Handle() function per 1000ms 
     MsTimer2::start();//Start timer interrupt function
void loop()                     
Serial.println(number); // Printing the number of times of interruption, which is convenient for debugging.
    if(state == HIGH)  //When a moving object is detected, the ledout is automatically closed after the light 2S, the next trigger can be carried out, and No need to reset. Convenient debugging.
    state = LOW;
    digitalWrite(ledOut, state);    //turn off led
void stateChange()  //Interrupt service function
  number++;  //Interrupted once, the number +1
void Handle()   //Timer service function
  if(number>1)  //If in the set of the interrupt time the number more than 1 times, then means have detect moving objects,This value can be adjusted according to the actual situation, which is equivalent to adjust the threshold of detection speed of moving objects.
                   state = HIGH;            
                   digitalWrite(ledOut, state);    //light led
                   number=0;   //Cleare the number, so that it does not affect the next trigger
            number=0;   //If in the setting of the interrupt time, the number of the interrupt is not reached the threshold value, it is not detected the moving objects, Cleare the number.




위의 블로그처럼 회로를 구성하고 코딩을하여 모션 센서 1개를 이용해서는 감지 횟수를 카운트 할 수 있었는데,

만약 모션센서 2개를 사용해서 한개가 감지하면 나머지 한개도 작동되어, 두 센서 모두 감지될때만 카운트 되도록 할 수 있을까요?

된다면 어떻게 코딩해야나요..?

이전글   |    헤더 파일 컴파일 에러 2018-07-31
다음글   |    2.8 tftlcd 그리기예제 2018-08-02