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#include <genieArduino.h>
// This Demo communicates with a 4D Systems Display, configured with ViSi-Genie, utilising the Genie Arduino Library - https://github.com/4dsystems/ViSi-Genie-Arduino-Library.
// The display has a slider, a cool gauge, an LED Digits, a string box and a User LED.
// The program receives messages from the Slider0 object using the Reported Events. This is triggered each time the Slider changes on the display, and an event
// is genereated and sent automatically. Reported Events originate from the On-Changed event from the slider itself, set in the Workshop4 software.
// Coolgauge is written to using Write Object, and the String is updated using the Write String command, showing the version of the library.
// The User LED is updated by the Arduino, by first doing a manual read of the User LED and then toggling it based on the state received back.
// As the slider changes, it sends its value to the Arduino (Arduino also polls its value using genie.ReadObject, as above), and the Arduino then
// tells the LED Digit to update its value using genie.WriteObject. So the Slider message goes via the Arduino to the LED Digit.
// Coolgauge is updated via simple timer in the Arduino code, and updates the display with its value.
// The User LED is read using genie.ReadObject, and then updated using genie.WriteObject. It is manually read, it does not use an Event.
// This demo illustrates how to use genie.ReadObject, genie.WriteObject, Reported Messages (Events), genie.WriteStr, genie.WriteContrast, plus supporting functions.
// Application Notes on the 4D Systems Website that are useful to understand this library are found: http://www.4dsystems.com.au/appnotes
// Good App Notes to read are:
// ViSi-Genie Connecting a 4D Display to an Arduino Host - http://www.4dsystems.com.au/appnote/4D-AN-00017/
// ViSi-Genie Writing to Genie Objects Using an Arduino Host - http://www.4dsystems.com.au/appnote/4D-AN-00018/
// ViSi-Genie A Simple Digital Voltmeter Application using an Arduino Host - http://www.4dsystems.com.au/appnote/4D-AN-00019/
// ViSi-Genie Connection to an Arduino Host with RGB LED Control - http://www.4dsystems.com.au/appnote/4D-AN-00010/
// ViSi-Genie Displaying Temperature values from an Arduino Host - http://www.4dsystems.com.au/appnote/4D-AN-00015/
// ViSi-Genie Arduino Danger Shield - http://www.4dsystems.com.au/appnote/4D-AN-00025/
Genie genie;
#define RESETLINE 4 // Change this if you are not using an Arduino Adaptor Shield Version 2 (see code below)
void setup()
// NOTE, the genieBegin function (e.g. genieBegin(GENIE_SERIAL_0, 115200)) no longer exists. Use a Serial Begin and serial port of your choice in
// your code and use the genie.Begin function to send it to the Genie library (see this example below)
// 200K Baud is good for most Arduinos. Galileo should use 115200.
Serial.begin(200000); // Serial0 @ 200000 (200K) Baud
genie.Begin(Serial); // Use Serial0 for talking to the Genie Library, and to the 4D Systems display
genie.AttachEventHandler(myGenieEventHandler); // Attach the user function Event Handler for processing events
// Reset the Display (change D4 to D2 if you have original 4D Arduino Adaptor)
// If NOT using a 4D Arduino Adaptor, digitalWrites must be reversed as Display Reset is Active Low, and
// the 4D Arduino Adaptors invert this signal so must be Active High.
pinMode(RESETLINE, OUTPUT); // Set D4 on Arduino to Output (4D Arduino Adaptor V2 - Display Reset)
digitalWrite(RESETLINE, 1); // Reset the Display via D4
digitalWrite(RESETLINE, 0); // unReset the Display via D4
delay (3500); //let the display start up after the reset (This is important)
//Turn the Display on (Contrast) - (Not needed but illustrates how)
genie.WriteContrast(1); // 1 = Display ON, 0 = Display OFF.
//For uLCD43, uLCD-70DT, and uLCD-35DT, use 0-15 for Brightness Control, where 0 = Display OFF, though to 15 = Max Brightness ON.
//Write a string to the Display to show the version of the library used
genie.WriteStr(0, GENIE_VERSION);
void loop()
static long waitPeriod = millis();
static int gaugeAddVal = 1;
static int gaugeVal = 50;
genie.DoEvents(); // This calls the library each loop to process the queued responses from the display
if (millis() >= waitPeriod)
// Write to CoolGauge0 with the value in the gaugeVal variable
genie.WriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_COOL_GAUGE, 0x00, gaugeVal);
gaugeVal += gaugeAddVal;
if (gaugeVal == 99) gaugeAddVal = -1;
if (gaugeVal == 0) gaugeAddVal = 1;
// The results of this call will be available to myGenieEventHandler() after the display has responded
// Do a manual read from the UserLEd0 object
genie.ReadObject(GENIE_OBJ_USER_LED, 0x00);
waitPeriod = millis() + 50; // rerun this code to update Cool Gauge and Slider in another 50ms time.
// This is the user's event handler. It is called by genieDoEvents()
// when the following conditions are true
// The link is in an IDLE state, and
// There is an event to handle
// The event can be either a REPORT_EVENT frame sent asynchronously
// from the display or a REPORT_OBJ frame sent by the display in
// response to a READ_OBJ request.
void myGenieEventHandler(void)
genieFrame Event;
int slider_val = 0;
const int index = 0; //HARD CODED TO READ FROM Index = 0, ie Slider0 as an example
//Read from Slider0 for both a Reported Message from Display, and a Manual Read Object from loop code above
if (genieEventIs(&Event, GENIE_REPORT_EVENT, GENIE_OBJ_SLIDER, index) ||
genieEventIs(&Event, GENIE_REPORT_OBJ, GENIE_OBJ_SLIDER, index))
slider_val = genieGetEventData(&Event); // Receive the event data from the Slider0
genieWriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, 0x00, slider_val); // Write Slider0 value to to LED Digits 0
} */
void myGenieEventHandler(void)
genieFrame Event;
int slider_val = 0;
//If the cmd received is from a Reported Event (Events triggered from the Events tab of Workshop4 objects)
if (Event.reportObject.cmd == GENIE_REPORT_EVENT)
if (Event.reportObject.object == GENIE_OBJ_SLIDER) // If the Reported Message was from a Slider
if (Event.reportObject.index == 0) // If Slider0
slider_val = genie.GetEventData(&Event); // Receive the event data from the Slider0
genie.WriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, 0x00, slider_val); // Write Slider0 value to to LED Digits 0
//If the cmd received is from a Reported Object, which occurs if a Read Object (genie.ReadOject) is requested in the main code, reply processed here.
if (Event.reportObject.cmd == GENIE_REPORT_OBJ)
if (Event.reportObject.object == GENIE_OBJ_USER_LED) // If the Reported Message was from a User LED
if (Event.reportObject.index == 0) // If UserLed0
bool UserLed0_val = genie.GetEventData(&Event); // Receive the event data from the UserLed0
UserLed0_val = !UserLed0_val; // Toggle the state of the User LED Variable
genie.WriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_USER_LED, 0x00, UserLed0_val); // Write UserLed0_val value back to to UserLed0
//This can be expanded as more objects are added that need to be captured
//Event.reportObject.cmd is used to determine the command of that event, such as an reported event
//Event.reportObject.object is used to determine the object type, such as a Slider
//Event.reportObject.index is used to determine the index of the object, such as Slider0
//genie.GetEventData(&Event) us used to save the data from the Event, into a variable.